Digitalisierung von Geschäftsprozessen für KMUs

Digitalisierung ist schon seit längerem im Gespräch, doch nun ist es auch für kleinere Unternehmen erschwinglich. Eigentlich ist es schon eine Notwendigkeit, um im aktuellen Wettbewerb mithalten zu können.
Diese Präsentation dreht sich genau darum. Um die Notwendigkeit auch für kleinere Unternehmen, die Digitalisierung in Angriff zu nehmen. Dazu gebe ich auch ein paar Tipps für das Vorgehen und die gute Gründe, die Digitalisierung voranzutreiben.
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April 2019
March 2019
Quality control by code reviews and continuous coaching
As a product owner or project manager your goal is to have a solution that can adapt fast and stable to your needs. Appway is a great tool to develop professional solutions fast, but as a Appway project owner you also want to make sure the quality of the solution is the highest possible. Good […]
P3681 – Appway Senior System Architect
6+ years as an Appway Expert. Consultant and Developer – All-In-One to make sure your solution will be profitable. Focus on maintenance and ability to scale. Rest assure you project is in great hands. Hands-On Appway Development KnowHow, Technical Account Management, Scrum Project Methodology Coach and Master Function. Banking, Insurance and Public Sector experience. Appway […]
P8912 – Senior Business Analyst
20+ years experience in the financial market. Experienced product owner. You get a business analyst with project management experience in complex environments and challenging digitalisation solutions. She has a lot of experience within the financial environment and successful finished big complex migration and integration projects and developed also new solutions As a product manager she […]
P7845 – Partner Business Manager
She is customer centric, in her different roles has interacted with a wide range of people. From corporate to small medium companies, she is capable to communicate with international clients as well as local. With her business knowledge and affinity to technical elements she will be great benefit as a junior business analyst. She is […]
P6123 – Business Analyst
15+ year business analyst. Worked successfully as a business analyst and project manager. Possibility to upskill him to Appway Business Analyst. Experienced with web based solutions. He has experience developing process oriented solutions and process automation. As a product manager he knows how to handle the stakeholder expectations and match the product benefits against the […]
P5534 – Developer
4+ years as developer and 15+ years as a business analyst. Possibility to upskill him to Appway Developer. He combines the best out of both roles and is therefore able to catch the needs of business and to estimate the effort need to achieve them. You get a business analyst, who is also a good […]